What is Jangmookido
Jangmookido, also spelled Jang Mugi Do, is a Korean longpole art and martial arts made fun, challenging and effective. The training is a unique meeting for body and soul, based on well-known longpole techniques. The students of this the art of sport Jangmookido learn movement forms, sparring, meditation, precision cuts on different target and the important basic techniques.
Jangmookido stand for an meaningful existence. Good fellowship, personal development and
joy of training.
Translated from Korean, the term Jangmookido (Jang Mugi Do) means...
Jangmookido was developed in the 2000st century at the Han-Moosa School. This martial art formally become a discipline in 2014. In addition, the International Jangmookido Federation was founded in 2020, to spread the spirit of Jangmookido to the world.
Protect the Original Metod
of Korean Martial Arts...
Jangmookido is based on more than one thousand five hundred years of Korean history. Muye Dobo Tongji, know as the best martial arts training book in exitence, thought historical reseach into Korean-style warriormanship. This ancient warrior manual has been reseached, studied and perserved for a long time by grandmaster jonny to create a comprehensive and spectacular martial art of traditional Korean pole weapons. The purpose of Jangmookido is to allow people to have the opportunity to practice a modern sport of an ancient art of battle.
Jangmookido stand for an meaningful existence. Good fellowship, personal development and
joy of training.
Translated from Korean, the term Jangmookido (Jang Mugi Do) means...
- The Way of Long Weapon Fighting -
Jangmookido was developed in the 2000st century at the Han-Moosa School. This martial art formally become a discipline in 2014. In addition, the International Jangmookido Federation was founded in 2020, to spread the spirit of Jangmookido to the world.
Protect the Original Metod
of Korean Martial Arts...
Jangmookido is based on more than one thousand five hundred years of Korean history. Muye Dobo Tongji, know as the best martial arts training book in exitence, thought historical reseach into Korean-style warriormanship. This ancient warrior manual has been reseached, studied and perserved for a long time by grandmaster jonny to create a comprehensive and spectacular martial art of traditional Korean pole weapons. The purpose of Jangmookido is to allow people to have the opportunity to practice a modern sport of an ancient art of battle.
24Ban-Muye Bongsul training
at Suwon in South Korea
at Suwon in South Korea

The Character of
Is a first-rate martial art for everyone, regardless of age or gender, can receive benefits from their training in mental, physical and spiritual espects. Jangmookido is a well-balanced martial art between the Korean history, the long pole techniques and safeguard of transmission to future generations.Jangmookido
Ancient elite warriors meets modern martial arts and sport fitness of longpole health, this is the true character of Jangmookido.
The visual power of the longpole techniques, catches the eye and the imagination. Constantly changing and dynamic flowing movements. Elegant, flashy and powerful is one way to describe the art of sport Jangmookido. Correctly breathing are essential to practice Jangmookido, wich brings the jangbong, the body and the mind into the present moment, effectively and with respect.

FAMILY SITE Han Moosa Martial Art
COMPANY Jangmookido
CEO Jonny Edvinsson
ADDRESS Han Moosa Dojang, Linköping Sporthall, Snickaregatan 35, Linköping City - Sweden
PHONE 0703 127 618
E - MAIL jonny.edvinsson@gmail.com
CEO Jonny Edvinsson
ADDRESS Han Moosa Dojang, Linköping Sporthall, Snickaregatan 35, Linköping City - Sweden
PHONE 0703 127 618
E - MAIL jonny.edvinsson@gmail.com